Mitt Romney continued his defamation of
the Greek nation as a bankrupt country in yesterday's televised
debate with Barrack Obama. Obviously there are no protests from the
American Greek community. American Hellenic organizations had fallen
asleep, or been hypnotized with the 600 B dollars of fraudsters like
Artemis Sorras of END NATIONAL DEBT, much like their Greek
..Back to the debate: Obama didn't blew
it up this time around. Stand his ground. And made even the monoliths
of journalism at Fox TV to recognize the substance of his political
speech and style over the GOP presidential nominee's.
After Mitt Romney's “47%” comments
I seriously doubt there's going to be any hard-working American in
his, her right mind to vote for him. Unless the sugar and junk food
genocide terminated any logic and reason. I am not writing middle
class. American middle class is a species under extinction.