

Ένα φάντασμα πλανιέται πάνω απ’ την Ευρώπη. Δεν είναι το φάντασμα που περιγράφεται στο κομμουνιστικό μανιφέστο. Είναι το φάντασμα του Τσίπρα. Για όσους δεν καταλάβατε ακόμη, η Ευρώπη ολόκληρη- η Ελλάδα σίγουρα- κινδυνεύει από την πιθανότητα ανάληψης της εξουσίας από τον αρχηγό του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. Ό,τι έφτιαξαν με επιμέλεια τόσα χρόνια οι κυβερνήσεις της Ελλάδας πάει κατά διαόλου. Η χώρα δεν θα είναι η ίδια. Το τιμόνι της δεν θα είναι στα στιβαρά χέρια της Τόνιας Αντωνίου, της Μαριλίζας Ξενογιαννακοπούλου, του καπετάνιου του Τιτανικού Γιώργου Παπακωνσταντίνου. Η καρέκλα της εξουσίας δεν θα τρίζει πια, κάτω από το πολιτικό βάρος του Ευάγγελου Βενιζέλου και ο Άκης δεν μπορεί πια να βοηθήσει γιατί είναι φυλακή. Η ευρωπαϊκή προοπτική του Σαμαρά που ατένιζε την Ευρώπη στα προεκλογικά σποτ από τα παράθυρα της Αγιά Σοφιάς απειλείται να ακυρωθεί. Ο δε Καραμανλής, δεν θα μπορεί να αρθρώσει στο μέλλον ούτε τις 15 λέξεις που είπε μέσα σε 3 χρόνια. Ακέραιοι άνθρωποι όπως ο Παυλίδης, ο Μπασιάκος, ο Δούκας, κάτι κουμπάροι μετά του Παναγιώτη Ψωμιάδη, δεν θα μπορούν πια να προσφέρουν. Όλα θα παραδοθούν στο χάος.
Ποιο είναι το χάος; Φαντάζομαι οι άνθρωποι θα έχουν μισθούς πείνας, οι συντάξεις δεν θα υπάρχουν, οι νέοι θα είναι άνεργοι, οι τράπεζες θα παίρνουν τα σπίτια, δεν θα υπάρχει όραμα και προοπτική, η χώρα θα καταρρεύσει.
Ας σοβαρευτούμε λοιπόν τώρα. Το χάος είναι εδώ. Τρία χρόνια τώρα. Με τα μνημόνια και τις πολιτικές που εφαρμόζουν. Μπροστά δεν υπάρχει τίποτα. Μόνο χάος. Σε λίγο θα βγάλουμε τα κονσερβοκούτια (αυτά που δεν έβγαλαν οι κομμουνιστές της ψυχροπολεμικής προπαγάνδας) και θα σφαζόμαστε μεταξύ μας για να μοιράσουμε τα λίγα που έχουν απομείνει. Τα μνημόνια ρίχνουν την χώρα στην ύφεση και στη συνέχεια η ύφεση χρησιμοποιείται για να παρθούν άλλα μέτρα. Γιατί το κάνουν αφού δεν βγάζει πουθενά; Δεν γίνεται αλλιώς θα πουν οι αυτοαποκαλούμενοι «ευρωπαϊστές».
Θέλω να δείξουν τα πρακτικά ενός μόνο υπουργικού συμβουλίου στο οποίο πραγματικά εξέτασαν μια άλλη πρόταση για την Οικονομία εκτός από την Τρόικα και τα επιχειρήματα με τα οποία την απέρριψαν ως μη πραγματοποιήσιμη. Μία μόνο. Δεν υπάρχει γιατί δεν εξέτασαν ποτέ καμιά άλλη πρόταση. Μας έβαλαν στο ΔΝΤ γιατί έτσι ήθελαν.
Υποστήριξαν με κάθε τρόπο, πως αυτό είναι το καλύτερο για την Ελλάδα και δεν υπήρχε άλλη δυνατότητα διαπραγμάτευσης. Ν, όμως που στις πρώτες τους μετεκλογικές δηλώσεις Σαμαράς και Βενιζέλος, για να αποφύγουν τον «σκόπελο Τσίπρα» υποστήριξαν πως πρέπει να κάνουμε επαναδιαπραγμάτευση. Μια επαναδιαπραγμάτευση που πριν από τη απειλή των εκλογικών αποτελεσμάτων, υποστήριζαν πως δεν μπορεί να γίνει.
Ουρλιάζουν στα κανάλια πως απειλούνται οι Τράπεζες και η ρευστότητα. Πως ο Στρατούλης θα εθνικοποιήσει τις καταθέσεις .Ποιά ρευστότητα και αποθεματικά των Τραπεζών; Ποτέ δεν υπήρξαν. Οι Τράπεζες χωρίς κανένα θεσμικό έλεγχο, έπαιρναν τις καταθέσεις των καταθετών, (αυτές που θα πάρει ο Στρατούλης) και με αυτές έδιναν δάνεια στους ανθρώπους τους και σε δικές τους Offshore εταιρείες, οι οποίες μετά εμφανίζονταν να κάνουν αύξηση του μετοχικού κεφαλαίου της Τράπεζας. Δεκάρα τσακιστή δεν έβαλαν ποτέ. Καταχράστηκαν χωρίς έλεγχο τις καταθέσεις του κόσμου.
Δεν θέλω να επιχειρηματολογήσω υπέρ του Τσίπρα, του Κουβέλη ή του Καμμένου. Απλώς θεωρώ κατάντια για την Δημοκρατία να γυρνάμε στην δεκαετία του 50,όταν ο φόβος μην μας πάρουν οι κομμουνιστές τις περιουσίες και τις γυναίκες μας, χρησιμοποιήθηκε για να δημιουργηθεί το παρακράτος και να γίνουν οι άνθρωποι υποχείρια. Αυτή η «Δημοκρατία» των εκβιασμών, δημιούργησε το πελατειακό κράτος, τη διαφθορά και τους «εθνικούς» κλέφτες. Αυτές οι τεχνητές απειλές δημιούργησαν την Ελλάδα της υποτέλειας, της Ψωροκώσταινας και τελικώς της αναξιοπρέπειας.
Δεν ξέρω αν ο Τσίπρας μπορεί και πώς, να κυβερνήσει, αλλά ξέρω καλά, όπως όλη η χώρα ποιοι μας κυβέρνησαν και πώς. Κυβέρνησε ο Άκης, ο Τσουκάτος, ο Ρουσόπουλος με τις ευλογίες του Εφραίμ και το απολυτήριο εξαταξίου Γυμνασίου και δεν μπορεί ο Τσίπρας ή ο Παπαδημούλης; Φοβόμαστε μήπως μας ρίξουν στο χάος; Και το λένε την ίδια ώρα που χάρισαν δισεκατομμύρια στους Γερμανούς των υποβρυχίων και στη SIEMENS;
Να σας το πω χοντρά; Κυβέρνησαν πρωθυπουργοί που έπαιζαν playstation στου Μαξίμου και φόραγαν βραχιολάκια ισορροπίας Power Balance και δεν μπορούν αυτοί που έχουν ένα άλλο προβληματισμό; Μπορούσαν υπουργοί που έκαναν τους νόμους περί ευθύνης υπουργών, τους εκλογικούς νόμους, τους νόμους που αμνηστεύουν κλέφτες, υπουργοί που ήταν οι ίδιοι κλέφτες και δεν μπορούν άλλοι;
Γιατί; Γιατί δεν είναι όσο “ευρωπαϊστές” όσο θέλουν τα κανάλια και τα εκδοτικά συγκροτήματα; Απέναντι στα φαντάσματα που επικαλούνται ως επικίνδυνα, προτιμώ την πραγματικότητα που είναι ξεκάθαρη. Μπορούσαν όλοι αυτοί τόσα χρόνια και δεν μπορούν οι άλλοι; Ας απαντήσει ο καθένας μόνος του.


...Funny thing. The lazy Greeks didn't vote in the German elections.. Only 13.2 million hard-working Germans.


SPD minister president Hannelore Kraft can now continue to govern according to the forecasts on strong footing. The CDU Norbert Röttgen falls on the other hand, their record low in the Rhine and Ruhr. Röttgen came back after the election debacle as state chairman of his party. "This result leads to the absolutely essential that I make the management of the national association," Röttgen said after the first earnings forecast. The covenant with the ailing FDP returns even more than a week ago in Schleswig-Holstein back on track. The pirates move for the fourth consecutive year in a state parliament, the Left is out as expected.

Hard Times for Merkel

The vote in the most populous state with 13.2 million voters this year is the most important signal before the general election in autumn 2013. The impetus for the red-green opposition to the "small federal election," it is likely Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and its black-yellow coalition, nor make it harder - even if the Bundesrat does virtually nothing.
Kraft said on Sunday already in casting their votes ". If it's good for us starts, then for red-green, it would be an important signal in the direction of federal elections" in Schleswig-Holstein had for the SPD and Greens together enough yet not quite there is a tripartite alliance with the South Schleswig Voters' Association also SSW.

Pirates once again in the Diet

According to the predictions of ARD and ZDF on Sunday evening approaches, the SPD in North Rhine Westphalia with 38 to 39 percent back the 40 percent mark. The CDU is a 25.5 to 26 percent once again well below their country's weakest result was already in (...)


INTERNATIONALPosted on 12:05:12 10:00

Juncker calls for more patience with Greece

Juncker: Greece needs more time to form a government.
Photo: AP
(Reuters) - Euro group chief Jean-Claude Juncker wants to give more time to save Greece. The European partners would have their schedule to the test and repair contracts with Greece in doubt, said Luxembourg's Prime Minister.
If the formation of a government or should there be further delay elections, Greece needs more time. These should be given her. On the agreed tough austerity measures, however, lead is no way around."I'm not a priori determined that we are now the exact month the agreed scheduling goal fulfillment is essential to maintain a budgetary nature," said Juncker. He had no problem with the fact that Greece, for example, one year get more time to implement the agreed contractual consolidation program. But this must be negotiated at European level only.


The True Tragedy
While such structural problems have been noted for a while, their magnitude seems to have been underestimated. The true Greek tragedy is that a country that could potentially be on a solid growth trajectory is instead facing chaos because of the way the public sector (and its associated political system) interferes with the use of public resources. The press has been part and parcel of this corrupt system, impeding the understanding that would help resolve the issue. More consequentially, it has proved convenient for the stakeholders in the crisis -- in particular the European Union -- to avoid confronting the real nature of the problem. Doing so would require the sort of far-sighted action and pragmatic leadership that is -- perhaps understandably -- lacking from politicians concerned with re-election and administrative units vying for relative power.
As a result, kicking the can down the road has become the de facto solution, in the hope that things get better. The EU and the IMF have been treating a cancer with patches and aspirin. They have been busy addressing symptoms of the sickness, without daring to address the underlying cause. The EU task force, for one, has neither the skills nor the mandate to engage in the massive change management needed. So for all its short-term risks, it's time the Greek electorate addressed the problem head-on, confronting the state-induced sclerosis and sending a message to populist politicians from the left and the right alike.
The problem in Greece is three-fold. First, the public sector has proven to be a woeful manager of its own resources. The Greek public administration lacks accountability as well as a stable backbone of senior civil servants. It relies on formalistic rules to guide every step of the operation of public administration, as opposed to focusing on how it can substantively serve its purpose. These personnel issues, along with poor information and management systems (or data of any sort), mean that the public output related to expenditure is disappointing.
Serious problems exist at the top of the structure. The political system is highly influential and self-serving; its beneficiaries are able to carve out excessively compensated positions within the broad public sector, which means diverting funds from where the need exists. One such need, not surprisingly, is the growing number of Greeks living below the poverty line, as well as increasing criminality. Finally, an extremely important problem in Greece is tax avoidance -- Greece has only 30 percent of its GDP as tax receipts; the EU average is 37 percent. The inability to tax fairly has hit not only public finances, but has also created a sense of unease and social discomfort with taxation, especially under conditions of duress.
Second, the interface between the private and the public sector has seriously skewed the productive tissue in Greece. The Greek state has been a purchaser of services for construction, armaments, technology, and more mundane goods and services. Side-payments are often inherent to such procurement, as the scandal with PASOK's former strong man Akis Tsochatzopoulos, now behind bars, showed. Exposed to a corrupt system (...)
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Like vermin in a time of pestilence, neo-Nazi groups appear to be enjoying a resurgence in a Europe plagued by increasing financial chaos and uncertainty. As Europe celebrated the 67th anniversary of V.E. Day and the defeat of Hitler’s Nazis this week, it also reeled in disbelief as an angry Greek electorate gave 7% of their votes to the neo-Nazi, anti-immigrant Golden Dawn party.
Boasting an “army of brave boys in black,” who strut the streets of rundown Greek neighbourhoods, flicking off Hitler-esque salutes and staging anti-immigration rallies around a swastika-like flag that is based on an ancient Greek decorative border called a meandros, Golden Dawn became the first far-right party to enter the Greek parliament since the collapse of a military dictatorship in 1974.
In an echo of Europe’s tortured past, Nazism, with its association with the Holocaust and horrors of the Second World War, not only survives, but in some instances is thriving.
In Greece, extremists have united the marginalized, the disenchanted and the disempowered with promises to turn the clock back to an idyllic “pure” past. (...)


Leader of the defeated, on the elections of May 6  it finished third losing more than 30% of  the 2009 election voters- "Socialist" party PASOK Evangelos Venizelos said a few minutes ago in the Greek media that he doesn't want a tri-party government coalition. So NO GOVERNMENT, NO ELECTIONS ON JUNE 17, 2012 what a political loser like Evangelos Venizelos wishes for? To provoke a military dictatorship with the Neo-Nazi party, or throw Greece, and subsequently European Union into the old-fashioned chaotic turmoil of anarchy?

Venizelos is quoted as saying NO to a triparty government coalition in the following link


Would Eduardo Saverin have been successful anywhere else? Maybe, but not as quickly, and not as spectacularly. It was only thanks to America—thanks to the American government’s direct and indirect investments in science and technology; thanks to the U.S. justice system; the relatively safe and fair investment climate made possible by that justice system; the education system that educated all of Facebook’s workers, and on and on—it was only thanks to all of this that you know anything at all about Eduardo Saverin today.
Now comes news that Saverin has decided to renounce his U.S. citizenship, most likely to avoid a large long-term tax bill on his winnings in the Facebook IPO. Saverin owns about 4 percent of Facebook stock. By renouncing his citizenship last fall, well in advance of the IPO, Saverin will pay an “exit tax” on his assets as they were valued then. But he’ll pay no tax on income derived from stock sales in the future—that’s because he now lives in Singapore, which has no capital gains tax. It’s unclear how much this move will save him, since it depends on how Facebook’s stock performs. But let’s say the value of his stock doubles over the long run, from an estimated $3.8 billion now to around $8 billion. If that happens, he won’t pay any tax on the $4 billion increase in value—which, at a 15 percent capital gains rate, will save him $600 million in taxes.
Is this fair? No. It’s worse than that, though. It’s ungrateful and it’s indecent. Saverin’s decision to decamp the U.S. suggests he’s got no idea how much America has helped him out.
So, to enlighten him, let’s list all the ways Eduardo Saverin has benefitted from America.First and most obviously, he lived a life of relative safety in Miami, something that wasn’t guaranteed for him in Brazil. Second, also obvious: If Saverin hadn’t come to America, he wouldn’t have met Mark Zuckerberg, and—not to put too fine a point on it—if Saverin hadn’t met Zuckerberg, Saverin wouldn’t be Saverin.
Third: Harvard. Zuckerberg and his cofounders met in the dorms, and while Harvard is a nominally private institution, it enjoys significant funding and protections from the government. In 2011, Harvard received $686 million, about 18 percent of its operating revenue, from federal grants; that’s almost as much as it received from student tuition.
Would Facebook have been founded without Harvard? Perhaps—maybe Facebook would have come about wherever Zuck went to school. Still, there were social networks at lots of other schools. There was clearly something about Harvard’s student body that was receptive to Facebook.
More generally, elite, government-sponsored American universities like Harvard have been instrumental in the founding of many tech giants. Microsoft’s founders met at Harvard. Yahoo and Google’s founders met at Stanford. But even if you believe that these universities shouldn’t claim credit for the companies they brought about, it’s still hard to argue that Facebook would be where it is today without the American taxpayers’ large investment in public education. Facebook depends on really smart people to make its products. You don’t get smart people without tax dollars.
Fourth: The American government’s creation of the Internet. The strangest thing about Silicon Valley’s libertarian politics is how few people here recognize how the Internet came about. ARPANET, the earliest large-scale computer network that morphed into the Internet, was funded by the U.S. Defense Department, as was the research into fundamental technologies like packet switching and TCP/IP. Delve deeper into the network and you get to the microprocessors that run the world’s computers—another technology that wouldn’t have come about by loads of federal research grants.
Even the Web itself can trace its founding to government grants. Tim Berners-Lee worked at CERN, the research group funded by Europeans governments, when he worked on the HTTP protocol. Mark Andreessen worked at National Center for Supercomputing Applications—which is funded by in a partnership between the federal government and the state of Illinois—when he created the Mosaic Web browser.