June 29th marks the first anniversary of the atrocities committed at Constitution Square in Athens, Greece from the "socialist" George A. Papandreou (GAP-pun intended) government to implement in any possible way the "memorandum" bailout (read: selling out Greece-yes, the entire country at a huge discount). Employing hundreds of SWAT teams, tens of thousands of smoke, gas, flare grenades, the crackdown was aimed to terminate the Greek indignados movement and eliminate any resistance to the colpo grosso of selling out Greece. No human rights and Geneva convention were respected, no chemicals, sprays, guns, bullets were spared.
For many days Athens became a war zone similar to those you see on TV news in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt. I know. I had a first-hand experience. I was there. With a tiny HD camera I filmed many hours of footage, edited it with my editors, and put the highlights of this movement in my film "DECEMBER RIOTS".
More to follow...